Some more electronic wind instruments with additional abilities. Most of information in video.
Some information from Wikipedia:
Eigenharp is a brand of electronic instrument made by Eigenlabs, a company based in Devon, UK, invented by John Lambert and released in 2009 after developing it for eight years.
Characteristics of all of the instruments are:
* A matrix of velocity sensitive multi-expressive keys, each of which act like a 4-way analog joystick. This allows the simultaneous pitch bend and modulation (or other parameters) of each played note individually.
* A stick-like vertical form factor akin to a sitar for the larger models or a flute in the smaller ones.
* A built-in wind controller, giving the larger versions of the instrument an appearance similar to a bassoon.
* One or two ribbon controller strips
* Macintosh-based control software, with an early Windows version now available.
Additionally, the larger models have:
* A series of percussion keys
* A built-in step sequencer with indicator LEDs for each key.

Eigenharp Alpha

Example of playing:
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